1978 - Gilby Hager,
Gilby Hager, Fretless
Records - session player, co-arranger, songwriter
1979 - Martin Grosswendt,
Dog On A Dance Floor,
Records -session player, songwriter
1983 - Katzberg and Snyder, Atomic Love,
Records - session player
1988 - The RI Shakespeare Theater, The Outcasts
Of Poker Flat, Cast Album - co-producer,
1993- Bill Harley,
Big Big World , A&M
Records- session player
1996 - Blueswagon, Test Drive, promotional
cassette, blues covers - session player
1997 - Blueswagon, Double Parked, promotional
cassette, blues covers - session player
1998 - Ragwagon, The Ragwagon Band, Normalized
Not Mastered, promotional CD - session musician,
songwriter, co-producer
2001 - Ed Rashed,
Big Book Of Love, Big
Treehouse Records -principal artist, producer, songwriter
2001 - Ed Rashed,
Wrong Side Of The Door, Big
Treehouse Records -principal artist, producer, songwriter
2002 - Various Artists, Oasis Jazz, Volume
6, Oasis CD - includes "She Walks In Three-Four Time"
from Big Book Of Love
2002 - Various Artists, Oasis Country, Volume
3, Oasis CD - includes "Do Me In Again" from Wrong
Side Of The Door
2003 - Ragwagon, The Ragwagon Band, Eventual
Records - session musician, songwriter, co-producer
2003 - Various Artists, Origen & Friends
- compilation CD from Ukraine, includes "Song Of Love"
and "Few That Know Me Well" from Big Book Of Love
2005 - Ed Rashed / Chance to Dance Band, C to D '05 - Dance Around The World
- souvenir CD, demos and live music from the 2005 Chance to Dance shows at Providence Performing Arts Center, May 2005 - principal artist, producer, band leader, songwriter
2008 - The REST, The Living Room Tapes
- demo CD, rock covers, The REST, March 2008 - session musician, co-producer
2009 - ((((The Repercussions)))), The Showroom Tapes
- demo/souvenir CD, rock covers, ((((The Repercussions)))), May 2009 - session musician, co-producer
Bands Of Note
Maņana Sound, The Doug Riley Band, Hominy, Kingsnake,
Tanoose, The Shamblers, Contact,
Bop-A-Gon, Pegasus, Billy And The Kids, The Wanderers,
Imagination, The Bill Harley Band,
High Times, Blueswagon, Ragwagon,